Recommended vaccination schedule for cats
Primary vaccinations
From 8 weeks (Primary vaccination 1)
This is the first of three primary vaccinations and your cat normally receives it from the breeder. The breeder vaccinates your cat against:
Feline panleukopenia = Typhus (T) = Feline parvovirus (P or FPV)
Calicivirosis (C or FCV) = one of the valences forming part of Coryza
Feline rhinotracheitis (R) = Feline herpes virus (FVH) = one of the valences forming part of Coryza
Leukosis (FelV) mainly for cats that go outside: primary vaccination possible from 8 weeks after negative screening of the cat
From 12 weeks (Primary vaccination 2)
This is the second of three primary vaccinations. This vaccinates your cat against:
Feline panleukopenia = Typhus (T) = Feline parvovirus (P or FPV)
Calicivirosis (C or FCV) = one of the valences forming part of Coryza
Feline rhinotracheitis (R) = Feline herpes virus (FVH) = one of the valences forming part of Coryza
Leukemia (FelV) mainly for cats that go outside: booster of primary vaccination if first injection at 8 weeks
Rabies (R) (primary vaccination from 12 weeks of age)
From 16 weeks (Primary vaccination 3)
This is the third of the three primary vaccines. It allows you to vaccinate your cat against:
Feline panleukopenia = Typhus (T) = Feline parvovirus (P or FPV)
Calicivirosis (C or FCV) = one of the valences forming part of Coryza
Feline rhinotracheitis (R) = Feline herpes virus (FVH) = one of the valences forming part of Coryza
Leukemia (FelV) mainly for cats that go outside:
primary vaccination booster if first injection at 12 weeks
not necessary if kitten had first injection at 8 weeks and second injection at 12 weeks
Age of the animal between 6 months and 1 year (Primary vaccination booster)
Feline panleukopenia = Typhus (T) = Feline parvovirus (P or FPV)
Calicivirosis (C or FCV) = one of the valences forming part of Coryza
Feline rhinotracheitis (R) = Feline herpes virus (FVH) = one of the valences forming part of Coryza
Leukosis (FelV) mainly for cats that go outside
Rabies (R) (depending on the brand and SPC of the vaccine used during the primary vaccination, the booster may require an injection given 1 year maximum after the primary vaccination)
Annual vaccinations
Once your cat has received all the primary vaccines up to the age of one year, the following provisions apply.
Annual boosters
For all cats:
Rabies (R) (depending on the brand and SPC of the vaccine used during the last injection, the next one may require an injection given 1 year maximum later)
For cats that go outside, cats exposed to other cats, and cats with high epidemiological risk exposure:
Calicivirosis (C or FCV) = one of the valences that are part of Coryza
Feline Rhinotracheitis (R) = Feline Herpes Virus (FVH) = one of the valences that are part of Coryza
Boosters every 2 to 3 years
For all cats:
Rabies (R) (depending on the brand and SPC of the vaccine used during the last injection, the next one may require an injection carried out 2 years or 3 years maximum later)
For cats that do not go outside, cats not exposed to other cats, cats with low epidemiological risk exposure:
Feline panleukopenia = Typhus (T) = Feline parvovirus (P or FPV)
Calicivirosis (C or FCV) = one of the valences included in Coryza
Feline rhinotracheitis (R) = Feline herpes virus (FVH) = one of the valences included in Coryza
Leukemia (FelV) (mainly for cats that go outside)
For cats that go outside, cats exposed to other cats, and cats with high epidemiological risk exposure:
Feline panleukopenia = Typhus (T) = Feline parvovirus (P or FPV)
Leukemia (FelV) mainly for cats that go outside